Saturday, April 23, 2011 ★
9:40 AM
what should i do, this is what i've been doing up till now.
running, puting up strong fronts, dawning new masks.
im not satisfied with life, how am i supposed to be happy,
everything came with a price, things i couldnt afford,
love i couldnt afford. time doesnt change anything,
except it increased my heartbreaks.
running, puting up strong fronts, dawning new masks.
im not satisfied with life, how am i supposed to be happy,
everything came with a price, things i couldnt afford,
love i couldnt afford. time doesnt change anything,
except it increased my heartbreaks.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011 ★
8:24 AM
Hey miss, what words do I use to describe your adorable smile, something warm and bright.
What's your story, I want to know, hey miss could you tell me?
Hey miss, the nights getting colder, no one seems to be around, but you're still here.
Some company we both could use,
Desperate, as I whispered,
"hey miss, could you stay around, I could use your warm lil smile."
I know, i know you're the one that I want. So hey miss, would you stay for awhile.
I really love you, you you. You're my everything I swear, no one treat me so well, like you miss.
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Saturday, April 2, 2011 ★
12:16 PM
disappointment, its a double-edged sword. it allows me to see what i've done wrong. yet also allows me to see what you are. disappointment, a steping stone or a reality check.
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12:12 PM
i can't find what i've lost, i can't fix whats been broken. neither can i forget what has happened. all i can do is, find my way out, become stronger and wiser, cus i know there's someone out there, perfect for me. so little ms right, just you wait for me.
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17 years old
Poet and Dancer
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