"foolish pride, lost love."
Monday, June 29, 2009 ★
6:11 AM
True love is such a wonderful thing,
The whole world seems to shine, even on the cloudiest day.
A love like this makes your heart sing,
It makes you smile, it makes you glow.
A love so strong lets you feel free,
You feel on top of the world.
No one can touch you, no one can hurt you,
When you're in love with that perfect man.
The sparkle of his eyes, the warmth of his touch,
Make every part of you glad to be alive.
The mention of his name makes you smile,
A happy thought of being together makes you glow.
The people around you are envious of this love,
For they too want to know.
They want to experience such joy,
They want to embrace such passion.
They tell you it's too good to be true,
They say love like this will only hurt you.
You become defensive, you become bitter,
What do they know?
They don't understand.
Then the day comes, the sky clouds over,
The birds cease to sing.
A cold wind blows through you,
A feeling of fear takes over your every thought.
You don't know why, or where this feeling came from,
All you know is it's overwhelming and frightening.
Suddenly you begin to question his intentions,
Does he really love you?
Can this be real?
Were they all right to warn you?
Do you really feel what you feel?
You look in his eyes and question what is there,
Wondering if there's an ulterior motive hidden somewhere.
You start to wonder if you deserve his love,
You start to wonder if someone else could make him happier.
You find yourself pulling away,
Giving him space, yet wanting him to stay.
You think you're doing the right thing giving him freedom,
You walk away, thinking you're protecting yourself.
You don't want him to hurt you, by turning you away,
So instead you say goodbye, not realising it's true love that YOU'VE betrayed.
It's too late.
The damage is done.
Once again, you find yourself all alone.
You blame yourself, you blame your friends.
You even blame him, cause the pain never ends.
You regret what you've done,
You want to turn back time.
You want to hold him in your arms,
And try to make that love shine.
But you've hurt him too much,
This pain he can't forgive.
He'd given you everything,
But trust you could not give.
He'd done nothing wrong,
Only loved you completely.
But your fear of rejection,
Has left you lonely.
There was no reason for this to happen,
The love was true.
So here you sit,
Not knowing what to do.
Do you call him?
Do you beg?
Do you apologise for the mistakes that you've made?
Do you tell him you're sorry,
You'll never do it again?
Do you ask for his forgiveness,
Only to be hurt again?
Do you deserve his mercy,
After the damage you have done?
Do you run to him crying,
Would this do any good?
Have your mistakes ruined everything,
Is there a way to repair?
Is it too late my darling?
Do you still care?
Is it too late my darling?
Is some love still there?
Is it too late my darling?
Have I hurt you too much?
Is it too late my darling?
Will I ever feel your touch?
The whole world seems to shine, even on the cloudiest day.
A love like this makes your heart sing,
It makes you smile, it makes you glow.
A love so strong lets you feel free,
You feel on top of the world.
No one can touch you, no one can hurt you,
When you're in love with that perfect man.
The sparkle of his eyes, the warmth of his touch,
Make every part of you glad to be alive.
The mention of his name makes you smile,
A happy thought of being together makes you glow.
The people around you are envious of this love,
For they too want to know.
They want to experience such joy,
They want to embrace such passion.
They tell you it's too good to be true,
They say love like this will only hurt you.
You become defensive, you become bitter,
What do they know?
They don't understand.
Then the day comes, the sky clouds over,
The birds cease to sing.
A cold wind blows through you,
A feeling of fear takes over your every thought.
You don't know why, or where this feeling came from,
All you know is it's overwhelming and frightening.
Suddenly you begin to question his intentions,
Does he really love you?
Can this be real?
Were they all right to warn you?
Do you really feel what you feel?
You look in his eyes and question what is there,
Wondering if there's an ulterior motive hidden somewhere.
You start to wonder if you deserve his love,
You start to wonder if someone else could make him happier.
You find yourself pulling away,
Giving him space, yet wanting him to stay.
You think you're doing the right thing giving him freedom,
You walk away, thinking you're protecting yourself.
You don't want him to hurt you, by turning you away,
So instead you say goodbye, not realising it's true love that YOU'VE betrayed.
It's too late.
The damage is done.
Once again, you find yourself all alone.
You blame yourself, you blame your friends.
You even blame him, cause the pain never ends.
You regret what you've done,
You want to turn back time.
You want to hold him in your arms,
And try to make that love shine.
But you've hurt him too much,
This pain he can't forgive.
He'd given you everything,
But trust you could not give.
He'd done nothing wrong,
Only loved you completely.
But your fear of rejection,
Has left you lonely.
There was no reason for this to happen,
The love was true.
So here you sit,
Not knowing what to do.
Do you call him?
Do you beg?
Do you apologise for the mistakes that you've made?
Do you tell him you're sorry,
You'll never do it again?
Do you ask for his forgiveness,
Only to be hurt again?
Do you deserve his mercy,
After the damage you have done?
Do you run to him crying,
Would this do any good?
Have your mistakes ruined everything,
Is there a way to repair?
Is it too late my darling?
Do you still care?
Is it too late my darling?
Is some love still there?
Is it too late my darling?
Have I hurt you too much?
Is it too late my darling?
Will I ever feel your touch?
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"what i've learnt."
Saturday, June 27, 2009 ★
8:00 AM
I've learned a lot these past few years
Through my fake smiles and unseen tears
That friends sometimes aren't forever
that true love doesn't always last
And happy memories stay with you
but those happy moments go by fast
Words can cut deeper than any sword
Leaving you with something
That no man could replace or ever afford
Sometimes things happen,
Sometimes your heart will break
Though to feel real happiness this is what's at stake
In order to have the comfort of heaven
and your story to live to tell
You must also experience the hate-filled life of hell
Remember . . . There will always be someone there
Someone that honestly does care
A person can leave your life
Leave you alone with your worries and strife
But like pain, the love you once felt cannot from your body depart
but only may enter your heart
Don't worry someday it will all get better
Your mornings will grow joyful with someone to love
And you'll have the kind of life you thought you could only dream of
I've been there before with my head in my hands
Believing there's no way anyone could ever understand
But they do . . . trying everything they can to help you
Still you sit there unknowing and blind
To what soon you'll be glad to find.
Through my fake smiles and unseen tears
That friends sometimes aren't forever
that true love doesn't always last
And happy memories stay with you
but those happy moments go by fast
Words can cut deeper than any sword
Leaving you with something
That no man could replace or ever afford
Sometimes things happen,
Sometimes your heart will break
Though to feel real happiness this is what's at stake
In order to have the comfort of heaven
and your story to live to tell
You must also experience the hate-filled life of hell
Remember . . . There will always be someone there
Someone that honestly does care
A person can leave your life
Leave you alone with your worries and strife
But like pain, the love you once felt cannot from your body depart
but only may enter your heart
Don't worry someday it will all get better
Your mornings will grow joyful with someone to love
And you'll have the kind of life you thought you could only dream of
I've been there before with my head in my hands
Believing there's no way anyone could ever understand
But they do . . . trying everything they can to help you
Still you sit there unknowing and blind
To what soon you'll be glad to find.
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"somewhere in the night."
7:57 AM
Somewhere in the night a child cries,
A woman weeps and someone dies.
Somewhere in the night, humanity hides.
Somewhere in the night , a soul screams,
As people fade and die, Lost in dreams.
Somewhere in the night, reality lives.
Somewhere in the night loneliness dwells,
As people die, no sounding bells.
Somewhere in the night, she dies alone.
Somewhere in the night ...
Where is the light?
A woman weeps and someone dies.
Somewhere in the night, humanity hides.
Somewhere in the night , a soul screams,
As people fade and die, Lost in dreams.
Somewhere in the night, reality lives.
Somewhere in the night loneliness dwells,
As people die, no sounding bells.
Somewhere in the night, she dies alone.
Somewhere in the night ...
Where is the light?
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7:52 AM
song, my tempest angel
ring through my clouded breath
tones carry the lyrics of life
to bring the passage of death
oh, sweet melody rapture
i beseech you in respect
bring solitude to its end
with your holy dialect
tear tone notes of chant
blackens the once blue skys
oftens my restless spirit
to ease me where i lie
words from unknown gods
sung through sirens lips
enchant this weary soul
buried in death's own crypts
so long, too long ago
was when i heard it last
a tender sorrow tale
that accompanies my past
but now i will sing
and release my heavy chains
so i can live in harmony
beneath the pouring rains.
ring through my clouded breath
tones carry the lyrics of life
to bring the passage of death
oh, sweet melody rapture
i beseech you in respect
bring solitude to its end
with your holy dialect
tear tone notes of chant
blackens the once blue skys
oftens my restless spirit
to ease me where i lie
words from unknown gods
sung through sirens lips
enchant this weary soul
buried in death's own crypts
so long, too long ago
was when i heard it last
a tender sorrow tale
that accompanies my past
but now i will sing
and release my heavy chains
so i can live in harmony
beneath the pouring rains.
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17 years old
Poet and Dancer
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